Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"ROCK ONNN......!!!
Being different and doing different!!!Are they any different??Though they might be different ,being different lies in doing different .It is variety that is more important than amount.If you believe in variety,then its your chance,its your turn.dont drop it out,you may not fetch one again.Take the path that is less travelled by,it makes all the difference.Dont worry if it is a fogged path,you are sure to find a candle,a ray of hope,of strenght,of determination somewhere there in the corner of your way.Loose not your faith if the path is unclear,blow away the dried leaves off your path,you will see your destination.Once you start,then dont give up,let it take your breath,but never show your back to the choosen way.Continue...Move on..your determined presence on the adventerous ,not so often taken path,merely melts away all the hurdles off your way.But never expect,for you have taken a hard path that others have discarded for an easier one. You have made an attempt,that is important,the end result is secondry..Remember one thing,being the best is not important,doing the best is what matters.You will be appreciated ,you will be sought after for having choosen a studded path. It dosent matter,if your progress is slow ,its fine if your journey is long, keep travelling till you see the horizon on the land. Think out of box and do out of box and you will see you will ROCK!!!!!
this is a work of pure fiction.any resemblence with the write up and the person who has written this will not be encouraged.This simply means,the person who has written this need not follow this.

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